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What to expect at St Stephen’s

Church that feels like home

We’d love to welcome you into our church family at St Stephen’s! We understand that visiting a new place can be daunting so here’s some information to help you feel at home.


Whether you are looking for a new church or investigating Jesus, we’d love to invite you to visit one of our services.

When you arrive, you’re welcome to fill in a name-tag for yourself.  This helps everyone get to know each other better! Then you can find a seat wherever you like.

During the service, there will be music, prayers, Bible readings and a sermon.

In the AM service kids begin the service in the building. We have a 5 minute all ages kids talk before kids head off into their own age specific programs.

In the PM service we have a drinks break in the middle.

Afterwards we chat over food and drink.

We’d love for you to meet us, please stick around! We look forward to seeing you soon! See below for some FAQs and if you have any further questions please contact us at office@st-stephens.com.au

Is it ok to visit?
Absolutely! We love having visitors and there is no expectation that you will join our church. If you attend for several weeks we will invite you to come along to our Newish morning tea to find out more about what it looks like to belong at St Stephen’s.
I'm not a Christian, am I welcome?
Of course! Our doors are open to everyone, as we believe that Jesus is for everyone. We’d love to help you to explore this good news. Our church services are a great place for you to do this.
What do I wear?
Most people dress in whatever’s comfortable, from jeans to smart casual. There is no need to dress up or wear something special please just come as you are – church is about people, not the clothes you’re wearing.
Do I need to bring anything?
No, we use NIV Bibles and we have some you can use.
Where do I park?

 Our church is located at 211 Mowbray Rd, Willoughby. There is plenty of parking available in the carpark (entry off Mowbray Rd) and feel free to park on the grass area beyond the marked spots. There is also a smaller carpark you can enter off Sydney St. Street parking is also available on the adjacent streets.

Where is the door?

Our front door is located at the corner of Mowbray Rd and Sydney St where there will be some friendly faces to greet and welcome you.

What happens in the service?
We have three unique services at St Stephen’s however you can expect the following at each of them.


Reading the Bible from the front

Prayers from the front

A talk from the Bible

Announcements about upcoming events

Time to connect with others after the service

If you would like any particular information about one of our services please contact us at office@st-stephens.com.au

What is offered for Kids/Youth?
At 9:30 kids and youth begin in the service. We sing together including a ‘family song’ that is especially suited to young people. We then have an 5 minute all ages kids talk called Spotlight. Kids and youth then head off to their own programs. Here they play games, sing songs and learn from the Bible in age appropriate ways. Parents then sign kids out of their programs after the service so they can enjoy morning tea together.
The groups are: 
Gumnuts – Toddlers and Preschoolers 
Gum Leaves – Kindy to year 2
Blue Gums – Year 3- 5 
Junior High – 7-9 
For night church we have a senior high programs that runs from 4:15-5:30 for those in year 9-12. 
All leaders have Working with Children Checks and have undergone child protection training. 
How long is the service?
Our services usually run for 70-90mins.
Will I have to participate?
You can participate as much as you feel comfortable. You won’t be asked to say or do anything during the service. There are parts of the service when people will stand, sing or speak as a congregation however there is no expectation for everyone to join in. Feel free to chat to one of the welcomers when you arrive if you have any questions.
Is it just families?
No, we have a variety of people as part of our church family. This includes singles, married without kids and families. We have all ages represented with diverse backgrounds. One of our key goals is to be a diverse church!
What if my kids are noisy/ disruptive/ have special needs?

We welcome all people in our church family and love having young people in our building. We understand that kids don’t always sit still and can be noisy.  So please don’t feel worried if your child is being disruptive.  We have  room up the back of the church where kids have more space to move. We want everyone’s needs to be considered so if you or someone you’re bringing need special arrangements please contact us at office@st-stephens.com.au so that we can do our best to help. 

Can my kids stay with me?

We do provide great kids programs that start part-way through the 9:30am service however you are welcome to keep your kids with you in the service also.

We’re More Than Just Sunday Mornings!
There is so much more to St Stephen’s than what happens on a Sunday. We have programs throughout the week for adults and children.
Please fill out the Connect Card below so we can tell you more!

Contact Us

We love staying connected. If you are new to St Stephen’s, or want to let us know something, please fill in a Connect Card.


(02) 9415 1727


Monday to Wednesday & Friday 9am to 4pm


211 Mowbray Rd,
Willoughby NSW 2068