
Join us at our upcoming events

Alpha Course

12 August – 9 September

Try Alpha and explore life, meaning and faith!

Alpha is a great place to meet others and have meaningful conversations about the things that matter in life. Each week you eat dinner together, watch a short video and have a chance to ask your questions. Everyone is welcome and it’s free! Alpha starts Monday 12 August, 7-9pm for every Monday night until 9 September.

Belonging Course

What does it mean to be a member of St Stephen’s? Why would you want to belong?

We love having new people join our church family. Our Belonging course is the gateway into the deeper life of St Stephen’s and gives you a chance to think in great depth about the life of St Stephen’s, the foundations of God’s church and the part you might play. The course includes lunch, afternoon tea, a great time with others from the church, time with the staff and helpful info and discussion to bring you into the heart of our great church family. A kids program is also available.

When: Sunday 8th September 12-3pm

Where: Chapel Hall

Newish Morning Tea

If you consider yourself new to St Stephen’s then we want to welcome you. We run Newish Morning Teas throughout the term to help people get their bearings, meet staff and other new people and take a step further into the church life.

Why not visit a 9:45am service and join us straight after at one of our upcoming morning teas this Spring.

Spring Dates:

  • 22 September
  • 20 October
  • 24 November

8-11 October


HPS Youth Camp is happening in October!
Camp is a great time for youth to spend 4 days opening up God’s word, having fun and spending time together. Anyone in year 6-12 is welcome.

Night Church Weekend Away

25-27 October

Our Night Church is going away together for the weekend. We enjoy time together, great food, the Australian bush and beach, time in the Bible, time singing together and board games, campfires and all around fun. Its simply a superb time and you are invited to join us! Please register via the form below:

Dumpling Making Night

Friday 1 November 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Food and fun for everyone of all ages, plus a chance to think about food, culture and the Christian faith.

Come and learn how to make authentic Chinese dumplings. Make and eat as many as you can.

This event is for everyone of all ages. There will also be separate activities for primary school-aged children and high schoolers after dinner.

More details to come